Tuesday 31 July 2012


I was not a happy bunny all those years ago when I found out the Olympics was going to be held in London.  I was fuming! and thinking 'down saaaarrfff' again like all the good stuff. Eastenders, Big Ben, knock off Prada and other wonders.  I had closed my mind to it all until about 2 weeks ago....when I realised my beloved Cardiff stadium was going to see a bit of Olympic action! So I decided to do a bit of research (yawn). There was going to be 30 Welsh boyos in the team which shocked me because I did not think we had that many sports people here except for my one and only Giggs and Gavin Henson. But the best part of all...... the medals are going to be MADE in Wales.  I was made in Wales and look how amazing I am.

So the time had come and there I was sitting with a Twix watching the opening ceremony on Friday. I was worried at first with seeing all those sheep and green fields.  I thought are they taking the mick or what.  Then it started to remind me of those dodgy Eurovision song contest entries where you dont know what is going on but you keep watching anyway.  Then those chimneys and Mr Bean turned up out of nowhere and the ceremony was saved.  I knew it would be because id always liked Slumdog Millionaire. The Queen looked happy for all of 15 seconds and old Phil was well away by the time the part with loads of Nanny Mcphees came on.  Who would of thought those rings would come out of nowhere but it made me think what a health and safety all that hot rock going round the arena was.  Those people must of had a right sweat on.

Il say this though they are all trying there best even the ones that aint Welsh especially Tom Daley who had that horrible little troll bothering him. Get to jail you little freak and do not pass go, do not collect £200.  Poor Mark Cavendish as well I suppose if he had a bit longer then a week to get over that Tour de France crap he could of won. I just hope we beat SOMEONE in those medal tables and if not send me in im pretty good at doing that gymnastic ribbon one with the cord of my dressing gown. Iv even practiced.

Peace x

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